Teenager Dreams

Hi, my biggest passion is write books, I just starting, but I will make my dream come true. You can follow me on my blog: Las palabras nos hacen volar (Spanish blog) or on 'The Words make us fly' (English blog)

Excited and Thankful

Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living - James Revoir

Hi everybody! The last week I won a book in paperback format! I won it in 'giveaway' section. I was so excited and happy!

Today the postman  gave me this:



 I was so excited again, I can't believe that I won a giveaway and the books was in my hands! I have to say that I was a little skeptical about if the book will be in ym hands one day, but here it is!



isbn: 9781936746378
language: English
format: paperback
categories: Religion & Spiritual
'Journey with the author on a forty-two day quest to unearth the amazing goodness of God which lies hidden in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Along the way, you will discover... His merciful forgiveness, His intimate love, His powerful protection and so much more!'
I want to say thank you to James Revoir for make the gieveaway, and for send me the book so quickly, I am really looking forward to read it and I hope that I can make a small review of the book soon.
Only one thing more: Giveaway is the best section!!! :D HAHAHA I invite everyone to participate on it!